Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Prosecution witnesses receive threatening calls

Colombo Additional Magistrate A.M Shaheed yesterday further remanded interdicted former DIG Vaas Gunawardena untill July 9, 2013. Six other suspects who had been taken into custody in connection with the killing of businessman Mohamed Siyam were detained until the completion of the ongoing investigations. On an application by the Criminal Investigation Department which is conducting investigations into the killing of businessman Mohamed Siyam the Magistrsate issued notice on Chamila Priyadhrashana Perera of Dehiwela, wife of DIG Vaas Gunawardena, to appear in court on the next date, (July 9).
The CID at the outset informed court that the wife of Vaas Gunawardena had given a number of telephone calls to several prosecution witnesses in an attempt to interfere with their giving evidence in the case against her husband. The Magistrate allowed an application by the CID to record a statement from Vaas Gunawardena at the Remand Prison.
The Magistrate directed the Prison authorities to provide maximum security for Vaas Gunawardena while recording the statement. The Court also allowed an application by the CID to forward several items to the Government Analyst for a comprehensive report. The items are two vehicles, Vaas Gunawardena’s Mobile telephone and two revolvers which are alleged to have been used in the killing, Senior Attorney Ajith Pathirana, Senior Counsel for Vaas Gunawardena, submitted that his client is still innocent ,but several witnesses had given false statements to the CID. These witnesses are not independent witnesses. Vaas Gunawardena was responsible for assisting the Police Department in several instances that brought honour to the Department, Senior Counsel said. The Magistrate also directed the Prison authorities to produce Vaas Gunawardena for medical treatment.
Senior Attorney Ajith Pathira with Anuja Premaratne T Gunasekera appeared for Vaas Gunawardena. Attorneys at Law Nalinda Indatissa along with Chintaka Amerasinghe appeared for the affrieved party.

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